
Why Should One Give to CCBC

Christ’s Chapel Bible Church is a registered charitable organization.  Like all charities, we need your help to continue our selfless initiatives and by giving you can feel just as good as receiving. Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”.  Acts 20:35. Furthermore,  when you make a donation to a registered charity in Canada, you will receive a tax receipt for your donation. Your receipt can then be submitted with your annual tax return to receive a tax credit.  So there is a financial benefit to giving.  Secondly, teaching children to care about others is an important life lesson so they give and learn in  Sunday School.  Thirdly, by giving to our church, it promotes feelings of happiness because you are helping others and you help them to continue their vital work.

One may not be in a position to contribute financially but giving of your time is another way to give back.  Finally, donating gives you the opportunity to show gratitude.  It can sometimes be easy to forget to show our gratitude for all the blessings that we have received. Remember, “freely ye have received, freely give”. Matt. 10:8.  Christ’s Chapel Bible Church gives to the poor, single-mothers organization, supports/sponsors refugees, donates to other charitable organizations, Food Banks, etc in Canada.  So by giving to CCBC, you are supporting a fiscally responsible organization.

Ways to Give


You can make single donations or recurring weekly or monthly donations to Christ’s Chapel Bible Church anytime, anywhere, using your credit or debit card via. Canada Helps. Tax receipts for donations made via. Canada Helps will be provided by Canada Helps.


We accept donations by e-Transfer at:

Tax receipts for donations made via. e-Transfer will be provided by Christ’s Chapel Bible Church at year end.

Offering Envelopes

If you wish to give regularly at our Sunday morning services, you can request a box of offering envelopes from the church office at, or call 613-247-9977.

Cheques and Cash

Donations of cheques and cash are accepted.

Tax Receipts

Thank you for your generosity! Tax receipts for the previous year are issued by the end of February. All donations made on or prior to December 31 of the previous year will be counted towards your tax receipt.